Picasso Study | Étude Picasso
November 13, 2018I have a few artists who I look up to, they touch me with their work, although I cannot always explain why. My latest exercise was to study Picasso. I drew over his lines, studied the tones and hues, then I let my imagination run free. This is what transpired. The beginning of a new series of digital art.
I have had the chance to visit the Tate’s Picasso exhibition in the fall of 2018, where I could admire some of his work I had not yet seen. Some disturbing and some very naïve sceneries. As well, I was very surprised to see that Carl Gustav Jung had written about Picasso. Both my idols were linked here in some way! How amazing!
Des quelques artistes qui m’impressionnent et me touchent particulièrement, même si je ne sais pas toujours exactement pourquoi, il y a Picasso. Mon dernier exercice artistique consiste à étudier certaines de ses œuvres, je retrace ses lignes, j’examine ses couleurs. Par la suite, j’ai laissé mon inspiration s’emballer… Voici ce qui en est sorti. Le début d’une nouvelle série d’art numérique.
J’ai eu la chance de visiter l’exposition 1932 de Picasso au Tate Museum en novembre 2018. J’y ai admiré certaines pièces déstabilisante et d’autres très naïves. Également, Carl Gustav Jung a écrit sur Picasso. Mes deux idoles reliés? Surprenant!